Monday, 12 January 2015

Mark Zuckerberg apologized to Hamza Ali Abbasi over his 'mistake'

in the past week what ever happened in Paris was tragic but the stance of facebook and its founder 
Mr.mark Zuckerberg proved out  to be an enigma.
soon after the incident  took place, a status was updated to mark Zuckerberg' s account which stated that he had solidarity with the people affected and everyone has a right for freedom of speech, indirectly criticizing the stance of Muslims.

one of the well known Pakistani artist and media personnel in reply to mark stated that  a french Muslim himself got martyred  in the incident and therefore Muslims should  not be blamed regarding Charlie Hebdo case. he clarified the misconception that Muslims are not the ones who promote terrorism in fact the word 'Islam' itself means peace. there are some false Muslims who are the acting militants and try to kill the non Muslims in the name of jihad. and hence questioning the west's stance over it.

since mark Zuckerberg himself stated it earlier that everyone has the freedom of speech. so he must be aware that criticizing one's stance is also a part of delivering your stance and therefore he should respect his views as well. Furthermore there is nothing in this post to consider it as controversial.

Later, Facebook deactivated Hamza Ali Abbasi's Facebook account and deleting this post. when asked by the other people on this matter, mark zuckerberg admitted his mistake and apologized to Hamza Ali Abbasi which was warmly welcomed by him.

But this was something which left a mark on the minds of many people and especially Muslims. why only the Muslims get affected and criticized by such incidents. 

the community needs to get more matured to see such matters in a different and appropriate manner.